Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I’ve listened to the interview twice. I liked this video because it is always interesting to know what other people think.
I it is going to be quit difficult to write what people think success is but still I’ll try.
The first question was “How to define success?”
Opinions: being happy, reach goals, leave a long life, having fun, being satisfied how a person raised their children, sustain them, success is measured by the happiness, the quality of relationships that you have with people who are surrounding you, being able to use your talents to help others, for some success if education.
People sometime blame others by not having success. For example ex-fiancé, some think that everything depends on yourself, and only you can say to yourself go on, you can do it. You need to have an aspiration. What about poor person being successful? If he is satisfied with a daily life- yes. Being successful to nearly all is being rich.
The definition of success through the years changes, at the age of 6 for example is ice-cream, then it is something else that is important for each one of us.
To end it all up, I will say that to me success is something I can not rich, but if I reach it is no more for me a success. I write it to the point that success changes, as others say in the interview. I agree with the opinion of many people that I’ve listened to.


International marketing

I've listened to the interview twice.
Today companies are faced with the need to globalizing in many markets, but the problem is that it can be really a minefield and there are numerous examples of big companies that do it wrong. For example “Callogs” a successful company, witch provides breakfast, faced a big problem going into an Indian breakfast market. They found out that Indians eat vegetables or cold breakfast that are cheaper.
And here is a structure how to do it right. Companies need to improve the structure of how they enter international markets.
Firstly companies need to understand the culture of people that live in the country witch market they want to enter. If people in several countries are similar enough, they can group them together. If that is so, companies can move on to the next step. In different countries one company can produce different products it depends on what people eat, what they wear, what lifestyle they have, and what their habits are. Also the names of the products can be different although the label of the company stays the same. It is still the same brand. The third stage is to support witch aspects should be the same and witch the companies need to adapt locally. And in this case it can not be all controlled by one head office so it is better to involve local teams.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

1 and 3 (I think it is both connected to each other, and here is plenty of information )

I didn’t find any interesting for me videos or audio recordings on BBC, so that’s why I’ve chosen these ones. Actually there is little videos, but all of them are connected to each other.
I’ve listened to each of them several times and this is what I found out:
The presenter is talking about interpersonal communication. In our life there are lots of problems and barriers of communication. She is emphasizing the barriers, how to recognize them, how to avoid and how to make the relationships better. People usually just stop communicating or blame on the others to make their life easier. Communicating and make relationships better is a lot of work.
The first barrier in communication is Culture, I mean cultural differences in the way of cultural traditions. For example, the way people eat, dress, even the way they talk and this is a big difference. If a person doesn’t respect or pay attention to each other habits, it leads to conflicts and misunderstandings.
The second one is stress. What happens when a person is stressed? Everything becomes affected. For example, something is really importuned for you, but when you are under stress about it, you can say that it is not important for you anymore, and you don’t care. In communication it also influences. Firstly a person thought that you are a responsible person and the project (for example) that you were doing together means for you a lot, but you became stressed and the attitude to this project became negative or even you don’t need it any more. Your colleague changes his attitude to you. The other fact about stress is that it affects your goals and destinies. Everything irritates, annoys you and you become angry. The presenter advices to slow down, think everything over and try to communicate in the most stress free way.
The next barrier is noise. There are two types of noise: internal and external. They can affect your ability to communicate positively with other human beings. Internal is that physically goes inside your body (I’m hungry, thirsty…) and because of this you sometimes can not totally concentrate. External is something outside. For example, he is watching TV, and the other person is talking to him. The one, who is watching TV reacting to the conversation like this: “Aha”, “Yes”, “Ok” not listening to the opponent at all. And “the TV guy” doesn’t even know what he agrees with. To avoid this barriers you have to focus on the person, with whom you are talking (active listening).
One of the most important barriers is Bias. It is about how you feel to a person before you even communicate or talk with him. It can be based on another color of skin, on a thing that you’ve herd about him/her, or a bad experience, like a woman driver, lots of people think that women as a driver is a catastrophe. This can create problems in relationships.
Ending: I totally agree with the reporter. There are more barriers, but for this blog I think it’s enough.